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针对跨国供应商选择与订单分配问题,在考虑进口配额限制和需求不确定的情境下,构建了一个实现核心制造商利润最大化和供应商交货质量最大化的模糊多目标混合整数规划模型。该模型考虑汇率、关税等多个全球因素,采用一种交互式模糊多目标规划方法对模型进行求解,并应用一个算例进行验证。研究表明:1.存在进口配额限制时,制造商会优先考虑低成本高质量的海外供应商,达到配额限制后再选择本土供应商补充剩余订单;2.人民币汇率正向影响制造商海外采购。当人民币汇率上升时,制造商进口成本降低,其会将更多订单分配给海外供应商;3.关税负向影响制造商海外采购。当关税上升时,制造商会减少关税高的供应商的进口数量,选择替代供应商来满足其需求。由此获得如下管理启示:1,制造商企业在选择跨国供应商时,应重点关注本国的进口配额政策,使供应商多样化以减少针对单一供应商配额政策剧烈波动对制造商采购成本和企业利润的不利影响。2.汇率时刻都在变动,制造商企业应关注本国和供应商所在国的长期汇率政策以及短期突发事件对汇率的影响,及时调整订单分配决策。3.制造商企业在选择供应商时,需要对供应商所在国的短期和中长期关税政策进行综合评估。  相似文献   
为了解大学生在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控期间的焦虑状况,采用汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA),对四川、云南、重庆三省(直辖市)的3 178名大学生进行在线问卷测试。结果发现:新冠肺炎疫情防控期间大学生焦虑水平高于常模,并且与大学生的性别、就读学历层次、就读学科、每日上网时间等存在显著相关性。其中,28.48%的大学生还可能有严重焦虑;女性、专科层次、尚不清楚就读学科的大学生群体焦虑水平更为明显;精神性焦虑是新冠肺炎疫情防控期间大学生焦虑的主要特质;每日上网时间与大学生精神性焦虑水平呈显著正相关。在公共卫生事件突发时期,应积极关注大学生的心理健康状态,采取针对性措施加以有效疏导和干预,促进其心理健康发展。  相似文献   
我国检察公益诉讼制度全面实施两年后呈现出新的发展态势。亟需理论深入研判。本文以2017—2019年间的司法数据为基础,运用实证方法分析了《行政诉讼法》《民事诉讼法》修改后检察公益诉讼在办案数量、办案规则、办案能力、办案力量、办案重心等方面的发展态势:审判机关和检察机关的办案数量增长迅速,并积极推动诉讼规则完善;各地办案数量差异明显,案件分布不均衡;基层人民检察院是办案主力军;行政公益诉讼案件数量锐减,办案重心转向刑事附带民事公益诉讼案件;立案数量快速增长,但履行诉前程序、提起诉讼的比率呈下降趋势。这些发展态势的内因是检察机关组织机构改革带来的办案能力的提升;外因是党委和人大增强了对检察公益诉讼的支持力度,化解了制度运行中的部分障碍。未来还需从内、外、广、深四个维度推动检察公益诉讼制度完善:促进公益诉讼检察与三大检察内部融合;建立公益诉讼检察与法治政府的耦合;探索拓展受案范围;建构符合需要的诉讼机制。  相似文献   
In many countries, new, broad, and normative “conceptions of society” gained prominence that represent fundamentally different discursive alternatives to the classical welfare state. We present two political projects that contain radical alternative conceptualizations of the classical welfare state, the “Big Society” in Britain and the “Participation Society” in the Netherlands, and contrast these with Norwegian developments, where no such a radical alternative conceptualization of the welfare state can be found. We show that the British and Dutch political projects were attempts to replace the welfare state, whereas there is no comparable big idea about a radical overhaul of the welfare state in Norway. Our analysis contributes to a better understanding of a fundamental shift in welfare state reform, namely a radical reconsidering of the ideational and normative foundation that defines and underpins what the welfare state is or should be.  相似文献   
习近平“不忘初心、牢记使命”重要论述的生成具有多重逻辑。马克思主义关于无产阶级政党的理论、中国共产党以人民为中心的思想内核是其理论渊源;中国传统民本思想的精髓、以红船精神为源头的革命精神是其文化根基;人民对美好生活的向往、新时代中国特色社会主义任务的严峻性、解决“三个如何”之问的迫切性是其现实要求。  相似文献   
如何将环境影响评价与排污许可等环境治理工具进行互动与衔接是未来环境治理制度改革的关键。两种制度在现时的环境下都存在各自的问题及相应的变革路径。两种不同的变革路径却有着共同的价值需求,即环境影响评价与排污许可的衔接与互动。在衔接的过程中存在的最大的争议就是维持或简化环境影响评价审批,这种衔接思路的差异制造了两种截然相反的制度逻辑:一种以维持环评审批为核心,另一种以简化环评审批为核心。就中国目前的环境影响评价制度改革方向而言,简化环评审批似乎已是不可阻挡之潮流。是否应当以简化环评审批、强调排污许可为目标进行两种制度的衔接。简化环评审批并不等同于弱化环评制度;在环境影响评价与排污许可的衔接构造上,应当遵循的思路:在宏观上,以效益最大化统领全局;在具体操作上,秉持“在简化环境影响评价的大环境中,寻找强化的契机;以排污许可为核心的进程中,夯实衔接的构造”的理念。  相似文献   
当前,以FTA为代表的区域贸易协定正逐渐成为各国开展经济战略合作与竞争的重要手段,但是现实中我国企业对FTA的利用率并不高。为了探寻其中的原因,首先从FTA使用成本和收益的角度建立了一个分析影响企业FTA利用率的理论模型,探讨了企业FTA策略选择背后的作用机制。其次,基于2017年中国—东盟FTA的问卷调查数据,利用有序probit模型进行了实证研究,发现企业获取FTA信息的难易程度、申请原产地证书的时间等FTA使用成本是影响中国企业FTA利用率的重要因素;利用FTA出口则有助于企业增加出口量,使其出口产品更具价格优势,并有助于企业加入全球/区域生产网络和产品供应链。最后,异质性检验结果表明,相对于生产型企业,获取FTA信息困难程度的降低、企业申请原产地证书时间的缩短等更有利于提高外贸型企业的FTA利用率;大规模企业对FTA的利用率受FTA使用所得收益的影响较大,而小规模企业对FTA的利用率则对FTA使用成本更为敏感。为了提高企业对FTA的利用率,政府应当扩大对FTA相关政策的宣传,提高企业的认知水平,同时简化各种审批手续,努力缩短原产地证书申请所需时间。  相似文献   

In this paper the second order asymptotics of the tail probabilities of randomly weighted sums and their maxima are established in the case that the underlying primary random variables are subexponential. No any assumption is made on the dependence structure between the random weights, but we assume these weights are bounded away from zero and infinity.  相似文献   

We came together as editors of Decolonising the University through a commitment to understanding the university and our place within it; to examine what else might be possible for us, collectively, in the domain of higher education. Although we do not always agree about the university– or, perhaps more specifically, about the possibilities it contains for intervening effectively in the world– we nonetheless coalesced around an idea of ‘decolonising the university’ as an important strategic mode of engagement. Here, we set out the positions that we come from in relation to the broader debates about the university and its political possibilities and offer responses also to the reviews. These are not our final words on the matter, but words shaped by the political possibilities that present themselves at the outset of 2020 and which, we hope, will contribute to the increasingly necessary dialogues on this topic.  相似文献   

Indigenous research Knowledges and methodologies have existed over millennia, however it is only recently that Indigenous scholars have been able to challenge institutional Western hegemony to reclaim sovereignty in the research space. Despite the high volume of quantitative research describing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, there has been limited evaluation of the value added through incorporation of Indigenous Knowledges and methodologies. ‘Research at the interface’ has been discussed as an Indigenous research methodology for researchers to contextualise and inform their research practices, between Indigenous and Western systems of knowledge. In this article we address the significance of ‘research at the interface’ for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research, as an exciting opportunity for innovation to ensure strength, self-determination and resilience for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities engaged in research. We also introduce weaving a methodology for ‘research at the interface’ as a process for conceptualising Indigenous and quantitative research methodologies at the interface.  相似文献   
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